Artist - Educator - Art Enthusiast
Starting at a young age, I have found painting, sculpting, and photography a positive outlet, and as I graduated college with a B.S. in Fine Art and Art Education, I was determined to help others discover the benefits of creating art. Throughout the past 10 years, I have been teaching children and adults expression through various art mediums.
Currently, I am in my 7th year teaching the following classes at Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward: Visual Arts (Art 1), Sculpture, Ceramics and Digital Photography. I have also taught: Advanced Placement Art (2D, Drawing and 3D Design), Digital Photography, Advanced Digital Design, Drawing, and Painting.
In 2013, one of my AP Art students was featured in the National A.P. Art Touring Exhibition. She was 1/25 chosen from 60,000 portfolios submitted for College board's AP Studio Art Exam. For more information, please follow this link:
For examples of class curriculum & Lesson plans please visit my class websites:

In this photo: During one of the school's art gallery openings, I was instructing an AP Art student on how to take indoor photographs. Each month, the art gallery would feature a show dedicated to a specific theme.
Visual Arts (grade 9) -
Ap Art (grades 11-12) -
Digital Photography & Design (grades 10-12) -
Ceramics (grades 10-12):
Sculpture (grades 10-12):
Student Awards and Artwork: 2012 - 2013

My Ap Art Student was featured in the touring Ap Art Exhibition. She was one of 25 featured and selected from 60,000 portfolios that were submitted. College Board press release on the touring exhibition.

Scholastic Art Award Display that I designed for the 3 students of mine that won awards at the 2012 Scholastic Art Competition. Their artwork was featured in the exhibition at Reynolds Gallery at University of the Pacific from Feb. 17th - March 3rd, 2012.

Advanced Placement Art Student, artwork was selected as a finalist in the Oh, the Places You’ll Go! scholarship challenge. Her self-portrait was on exhibition at Peabody Gallery, a fine art gallery representing The Art of Dr. Seuss, where it was featured during a special event, from March 2 through March 31, 2012.

Observational Drawing done of a row of houses in San Francisco.

This work was featured in the National Ap Art Touring Exhibition for 2012-2013.

Project completed in sculpture class where students had to develop a personal hand symbol.

This was an observational charcoal drawing created by an Ap Art Student for her breadth portfolio.

A piece created to represent freedom and movement.

Observational drawing completed of reflective objects.

This project's theme was showing emotions through your artwork. This piece was featured in the Regional Scholastic Competition Exhibition at University of the Pacific in April of 2012.

This was a piece created for the beginning level art course by a 9th grade artist. The piece was to expose an extinct animal of choice and also incorporate pattern as a design element. The mediums used were black pen and watercolor.
Advanced Placement Art Feature:
Examples of videos created by my AP Art Students highlighting their 24 piece portfolios. Additionally, all of my AP students create artist websites featuring works from their breadth and concentration portfolios.
Samples of my AP Art Student Portfolio Websites: Breadth and Concentration
- 2-D Design (Photography):!ap-studio-art
- 2-D Design (Mixed Medias):
- 2-D Design (Mixed Media):
- 3D (Ceramics & Sculpture):
- 2D Design (Mixed Media): *Student was featured in Nat'l Ap Art Exhbibition!
- 2D Design (Illustration):
Feature Videos on myself as a 21st Century Arts Teacher:
Videos created at my current position featuring student work and educational tools and strategies that I incorporate into the classroom.
VIDEO #1: (left) Art Teacher Brooke Nelson and AP art student Catherine Farinas '13 demonstrate how the digital drawing tablet is revolutionizing the field of art.
VIDEO #2: AP Visual Arts teacher Brooke Nelson demonstrates how her classes are using Facebook to help students communicate and share information.